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Barn Fun and Bonding Activities



Bonfires and Potlucks


Group Work and Ride-Togethers


Horse Shows


Clinics and Seminars


Trail Rides


Friday Night Lights

Equistarre Teams


Show Team

For English and or Western Riders and divisions

under each category. 


Equestrian Drill Teams

Youth team and intermediate to advanced adult rodeo



Cowgirl Dressage

A group of women who are all woeking together to grow 

in their knowledge and communication with their equine 





We travel to many of the local shows. The team competes in both English and Western events. 



We have at least two shows a year usually in the spring and in the fall. Both are family fun day types with various events depicting all sorts of events. We have been looking into doing a jumper derby type show during the summer. 

© 2013 by Equistarre Horsemanship

Contact Analese now!

850-567-0634 or
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